How to Win the Amazon Buy Box and How to Keep It | Losing to the Buy Box

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How to Win and Maintain the Amazon Buy Box: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re selling on Amazon, you’ve probably heard about the Buy Box. It’s that coveted spot on a product page where customers can click “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now”—and it’s essential for driving sales. In this guide, we’ll delve into what the Buy Box is, why you might lose it, and most importantly, how to win and keep it.

What is the Amazon Buy Box?

The Buy Box is the section on an Amazon product detail page where customers can add items directly to their shopping cart or purchase them with one click. Here’s how it looks:

Amazon Buy Box

If you don’t see this section on your product listing, or if another seller’s store is listed next to “Sold by,” you might have lost the Buy Box.

Why You Might Lose the Buy Box

Losing the Buy Box doesn’t mean you won’t make sales, but it does make it harder for customers to buy from you directly. Instead, they have to navigate through more steps, which decreases the likelihood of a sale. Here are common reasons why you might lose the Buy Box:

1. Hijackers

A hijacker is someone who lists their own product on your existing listing, potentially taking over the Buy Box. This often happens when sellers try to undercut prices, and it can be a significant issue.

Solution: If you suspect a hijacker, don’t engage in a price war. Instead, take action to remove them. Check out my detailed video on how to deal with hijackers here.

2. Inventory Levels

If you run out of stock or have low inventory, Amazon may remove you from the Buy Box. Amazon needs to ensure sellers can fulfill orders reliably.

Solution: Regularly monitor your inventory levels and restock promptly to avoid running out.

3. Account Health and Seller Rating

Your account health and seller rating are crucial. Factors like customer response time, order cancellations, A-to-Z claims, and feedback affect your rating. Maintaining an excellent seller rating is essential for Buy Box eligibility.

Checklist for Account Health:

  • Maintain an order defect rate under 1%.
  • Ensure timely responses to customer inquiries.
  • Minimize order cancellations.

4. Fulfillment Method

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) has a significant advantage. FBA products are eligible for Amazon Prime, which often gives them priority in the Buy Box.

Options for FBA and FBM:

  • FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon): Amazon handles storage, packaging, shipping, and customer service.
  • FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant): You handle fulfillment and shipping.

Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP): Allows FBM sellers to offer Prime benefits but requires excellent sales records and adherence to stringent criteria.

5. Pricing

While pricing plays a crucial role, it’s not the sole determinant. Here’s how pricing affects the Buy Box:

  • Price Too High: You might lose the Buy Box if your price is significantly higher than competitors, as Amazon might see it as price gouging.
  • Price Too Low: Extremely low prices can also trigger issues, potentially causing Amazon to question the legitimacy of your pricing.

Tip: If you need to change prices drastically, make small incremental changes to avoid losing the Buy Box. For example, adjust your price by $1-$2 increments rather than making a large jump.

How to Win and Keep the Buy Box

Winning the Buy Box is not just about setting the lowest price. Here are strategic steps to help you secure and maintain it:

1. Professional Seller Account

Ensure you have a professional Amazon seller account. This account type costs $39.99 per month and is required to be eligible for the Buy Box.

2. Check for Hijackers

Regularly check your listings for any unauthorized sellers. If you find any, follow the necessary steps to address the issue.

3. Optimize Inventory Management

Keep your inventory levels healthy to avoid running out of stock. Amazon favors sellers who can consistently fulfill orders.

4. Maintain Excellent Account Health

Keep an eye on your account health metrics, including customer feedback and order defect rates.

5. Leverage Fulfillment Options

Consider using FBA or SFP to increase your chances of winning the Buy Box. These options often provide an edge over FBM.

6. Implement Strategic Pricing

Set your initial price high and use the sale price field for discounts. This prevents Amazon from seeing drastic price changes and helps maintain the Buy Box.

Example Pricing Strategy:

  • Initial Price: Set at the maximum you anticipate.
  • Sale Price: Set the actual selling price with a long-term end date.


Winning and keeping the Amazon Buy Box requires a mix of strategic pricing, excellent account health, and optimal inventory management. By following these guidelines and keeping a close eye on your metrics, you can improve your chances of consistently holding the Buy Box and driving more sales.

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