How to Rank on Amazon 2024 Advanced Keyword Research Strategy

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Let’s unravel the secrets of advanced keyword research and PPC strategies on Amazon. If you’re still stuck in the beginner phase of using keyword tools and managing PPC campaigns, this guide is for you. We’ll explore an advanced strategy that only the pros use to skyrocket their rankings and maximize sales.

The Right Way to Approach Keyword Research

Most beginners make a critical error in their keyword research and PPC campaigns: they rely on free tools without understanding how to use the results effectively. This approach is akin to running a lemonade stand and only counting foot traffic without analyzing why people do or don’t buy.

The Lemonade Stand Analogy

Imagine you’re running a lemonade stand. On your first day, you count how many people pass by and how many buy lemonade. However, without knowing why some people didn’t buy, you have no way to improve.

On the second day, you start analyzing factors like the time of day, weather conditions, and whether offering free samples affects sales. You notice that sales spike in the afternoon and when samples are offered. This targeted approach makes a significant difference in your strategy.

Step-by-Step Advanced Keyword Research Strategy

To ensure you’re not just wasting your budget and driving up your ACoS, follow these steps for a thorough keyword research strategy.

1. Avoid Free Keyword Tools

Free keyword tools often provide limited and low-quality data. For serious research, invest in a robust tool like Helium 10. The primary tool we’ll use here is Cerebro, which allows you to analyze competitors’ listings and extract high-performing keywords.

Using Cerebro: A Quick Guide
  1. Identify Competitors: Start by searching Amazon for your product and identify the top three organic listings.

  2. Gather ASINs: Collect the ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) of these listings. The ASINs are found in the URL or the product page details.

  3. Input ASINs into Cerebro: Paste these ASINs into Cerebro to fetch the keywords associated with them.

  4. Filter Keywords:

    • Match Type Filter: Select “Organic” to get the most relevant keywords.
    • Competitor Rank Filter: Set this to a maximum of 60 to focus on top-ranking keywords.
    • Number of Competitors: Filter for keywords common among at least two ASINs.
  5. Save and Organize:

    • Save the filtered keywords into a new folder in Helium 10, named descriptively (e.g., “Tent Stake Master List”).

2. Clean Up and Organize Keywords

After extracting the initial list, it’s crucial to refine and organize your keywords:

  1. Remove Irrelevant Keywords: Eliminate any keywords that are not directly related to your product or include brand names.

  2. Create Specific Lists:

    • Main Keywords: High-relevance keywords for your product.
    • Relevant Keywords: Broader or related terms that potential customers might use.
    • Misspelled Keywords: Common misspellings of your keywords.
Example Keyword Organization
Folder Name Description
Tent Stake Main Keywords Highly relevant keywords for exact product searches
Tent Stake Relevant Keywords Broader terms and related product keywords
Tent Stake Misspelled Keywords Common misspellings for additional reach

3. Advanced Keyword Research with Magnet

To further enhance your keyword list, use Helium 10’s Magnet tool:

  1. Select Main Keywords: From your main keywords list, pick the most relevant keyword.

  2. Run Magnet:

    • Paste the top keyword into Magnet.
    • Set filters for organic match type and aim for 200-300 results.
  3. Refine and Save: Remove unrelated keywords and add relevant and misspelled keywords to their respective lists.

4. Utilize Misspellinator for Extra Reach

Misspellinator helps you capture commonly misspelled versions of your keywords:

  1. Prepare the List: Export your master list of keywords to a CSV file.

  2. Run Misspellinator:

    • Paste your keywords and click “Find Misspellings.”
    • Export only non-autocorrected misspellings.
  3. Import into Helium 10: Add these misspelled keywords to your list for broader reach.

Creating Actionable PPC Campaigns

With your keyword lists in place, the next step is to craft targeted PPC campaigns. Here’s a high-level overview:

  1. Main Keywords: Focus on high-conversion keywords with optimized bids.
  2. Relevant Keywords: Use these for broader targeting and less competitive bidding.
  3. Misspelled Keywords: Capture potential traffic from common typing errors.

Final Thoughts

By following this advanced keyword research strategy, you’re not just throwing darts in the dark. Instead, you’re implementing a data-driven approach that maximizes your chances of ranking high on Amazon. Remember, success comes from not only understanding your data but also from strategic adjustments based on that data.

Crescent Kao