7 Easy Ways to Get 100s of Amazon Reviews FAST

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Reviews play a crucial role in a shopper’s buying decision on Amazon. However, the catch is that shoppers don’t always like to leave reviews. So, how can we generate reviews for our products, especially when launching a new product or when we need to keep the reviews coming in on a long-term basis?

In this blog post, I’m going to show you five strategies to get reviews that won’t get you banned on Amazon, as well as two pro hacks that myself and my students are using to get reviews fast that you’ve never seen before.

Warning: Amazon’s Strict Review Policy

Before diving into the strategies, it’s important to understand Amazon’s strictly enforced review policy. If you try to game the review system with fake reviews, the best-case scenario is that those reviews will get blocked. In the worst-case scenario, you could get banned from selling on Amazon.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t pay for or offer incentives for reviews.
  • Don’t ask customers to write only positive reviews.
  • Don’t ask customers to remove or change a review.
  • Don’t review your own products or your competitors’ products.
  • Don’t have friends and family leave you reviews.

For more details, check out Amazon’s Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct.

Fast Ways to Get Reviews

When launching a product, you need reviews fast. Here are some methods to get those initial reviews quickly:

1. Amazon Vine Program

The Vine Program allows you to offer your products to trusted Amazon reviewers for free in exchange for a detailed review.


  • Professional selling partner (not the individual plan)
  • Registered brand in Amazon Brand Registry
  • Identified as a brand owner
  • Eligible FBA offers

Product Criteria:

  • Fewer than 30 reviews
  • Buyable FBA offer in new condition
  • Not an adult, digital, or heavy and bulky item
  • Launched at the time of enrollment
  • Available inventory
  • Image and description

Pro Tip: Amazon offers a $200 credit for new sellers to enroll in Vine, making it free to get your first 30 reviews. Learn more here.

2. Review Services

Services like RebateKey and FBReviews.com allow you to offer your products to communities of shoppers who often leave reviews. These services are 100% Amazon compliant as the buyers aren’t incentivized or required to leave a review.

3. Friends and Family (Carefully)

Although risky and strictly forbidden by Amazon, if you’re extremely careful, you can use friends and family to leave reviews. Follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure they have spent at least $50 on Amazon.
  • Don’t share the same Wi-Fi, household, last name, or zip code.
  • Don’t be friends on Facebook (unfriend if necessary).
  • Ensure they buy the product and wait a few days before leaving a review.
  • Write the review yourself, highlighting features and benefits, and include photos or videos.

4. Amazon-Related Facebook Groups

Use at your own risk. Many sellers have been caught and banned using this method. I highly discourage it, as Amazon likely monitors these groups.

Long-Term Strategies for Continuous Reviews

To achieve long-term success with thousands of reviews, these strategies will be most effective:

1. Product Insert Cards

Include a card in your product packaging that asks customers to leave a review. However, ensure it complies with Amazon’s policies:

  • Don’t ask for only positive reviews.
  • Don’t ask them to contact you instead of leaving a negative review.

Advanced Strategy: Offer a Free Gift

Create an engaging insert card offering a free gift in exchange for visiting your website. Use a QR code to direct buyers to your site where they can:

  • Claim a free gift (e.g., discount code, extended warranty, eBook).
  • Leave a review on Amazon.

Example of a Product Insert Card

Example Insert Card

Use tools like ReviewScanGo to automate this process. It helps collect purchase details, build your email list, and ensure only satisfied customers are asked to leave reviews.

2. Email Reminders

Amazon allows you to send one email reminder for a review. Automate this process with tools like Sellerize to boost your reviews. Sellerize offers features to:

  • Send requests based on specific criteria (e.g., positive seller feedback).
  • Avoid sending requests to unhappy customers or those who requested refunds.

3. Online Review Websites

Get your product listed and reviewed on high-traffic Google search websites in your niche. These sites often use affiliate links to direct traffic to your Amazon listing, helping you get more reviews and sales.


  1. Search for product reviews on Google.
  2. Contact top-ranking review site owners to list and review your product.


Getting reviews on Amazon can be challenging, but with these strategies, you can achieve it without risking your account. Whether you’re launching a new product or maintaining a long-term review flow, these methods are designed to help you succeed.

Crescent Kao